Mercer Williams House Museum - 429 Bull Street, Monterey Square, Savannah, GA
The Espy House
432 Abercorn St
Calhoun Square, corner of Abercorn and Wayne
Pirate's House Restaurant
20 E Broad St.
Hampton-Lillibridge House
"most haunted home in America"
507 E. St. Julian St. on Washington Square
Colonial Park Cemetery
between Oglethorpe, Abercorn, Perry, and Habersham
Bonaventure Cemetery
(Johnny Mercer's grave)
Laurel Grove Cemetery
802 W. Anderson
- The Royal Tenenbaum's House
- Dr. Corsen's House
- The Savannah Theater
- Morgue Tunnel
- Candler Hospital
Hi there! Nice list. :)
Did you ever find the addresses for those last few? I am having trouble myself.
Oops. Looks like I may have spoken too soon on one of them. After extensive Googling, I have come up with this gem:
CORSON, EUGENE ROLLIN, physician and surgeon, 11 Jones St.
East, Savannah, Ga. b. Washington, D. C, July 20, 1855. Cor-
nell '72-'75; B. S. '75; Hahnemann Med. Coll. of Penn., M. D.,
'77; Southern Med. Coll., Atlanta, Ga., M. D., '94. Vet. ColL
prize; gold medalist of Hahnemann Med. Coll. of Penn. '77.
Member staff of Savannah Hospital.; lecturer on Anatomy in
Training School for Nurses. Member Ass'n Amer, Anatomists;
Amer. Electro-Therap. Ass'n.; Med. Ass'n Georgia; Georgia
What is interesting ab out this man is what this book has to say (I had to shorten the long thing; it's from a Google Book Result):
Evidently, the man wasn't all peaches and cream!
My wife and I are driving up to Savannah for vacation tommorrow. I'm doing research on Dr. Eugene Corson and his friend Dr. Richard Joseph Nunn. They were some characters it seems...Has anyone been to their former homes, or know of any legends about them?
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